Puppy K and Socialization (Limited to 6 teams) 

Required Vaccines for Class Training: Rabies, Distemper and Bordetella

Did you know that there is a very limited, critical period for socialization and exposure for young puppies? Studies show that the window for socialization closes at approximately 16 weeks. That means that if you acquire your puppy between the age of 8 and 10 weeks, you have precious little time to properly expose them to novel things. One of the most important things your puppy should experience, is exposure to other friendly dogs and puppies. Dogs also learn very quickly when they are young! Be proactive and enroll your puppy today!

Open to puppies 8 – 24 weeks

         • Orientation
         • Foundation behaviors, such as sit, down, come and stay
         • Impulse control exercises
         • Response to a marker (clicker)
         • Learning to learn
         • Exposure to and interaction with other puppies for supervised play
         • Tips and guidelines for dealing with normal puppy behaviors, such as             housetraining, biting, chewing, etc. 

Dates and times:
• Monday nights 5:30-6:30PM
• 6-week class (the first class is orientation and for humans only)

• Includes class booklet, treat pouch, leash, clicker, timer, treats, dedicated Facebook page for discussion, questions, brags and homework, between classes, graduation certificates, photos and more! 

Download our Training Flyer

*Eligible for expert handler -assisted handling and guidance*

Basic Manners Class (Limited to 6 teams)

Required Vaccines for Class Training: Rabies, Distemper and Bordetella

A comprehensive basic manners class for dog 6 months and older. In this class, you will learn not only how to train your dog, but how and why your dog is behaving as he does. Understanding the concepts and basic functions of behavior, will make training or modifying behavior much easier!

             • Orientation
             • Behavior concepts
             • Foundation behaviors, such as sit, down, come and stay
             • Impulse control exercises
             • Response to a marker (clicker)
             • Behavior modification (how to replace those undesirable behaviors                with ones you like!)
             • How to deal with distractions in training

Dates and times:
             • Monday nights 7-8 PM
             • 6-week class (the first class is orientation and for humans only)


             • Includes class booklet, treat pouch, leash, clicker, timer, treats,                dedicated Facebook page for discussion, questions, brags and                homework, between classes, graduation certificates, photos and                more! 

Download our training flyer

*Eligible for expert handler -assisted handling and guidance* 

Blended Class 

Required Vaccines for Class Training: Rabies, Distemper and Bordetella

Occasionally, depending on the number of registrations we receive for classes, we will form a blended class, comprised of puppies and adults. Blended classes are wonderful ways for puppies to be exposed to older, friendly dogs! Interaction and play may be limited and is closely supervised.

             • Orientation
             • Behavior concepts
             • Learning to observe body language
             • Foundation behaviors, such as sit, down, come and stay
             • Impulse control exercises
             • Response to a marker (clicker)
             • Behavior modification (how to replace those undesirable behaviors                 with ones you like!)
              • How to deal with distractions in training

Dates and times:
             • Monday nights 7-8 PM (to be scheduled)
             • 6-week class (the first class is orientation and for humans only)


• Includes class booklet, treat pouch, leash, clicker, timer, treats, dedicated Facebook page for discussion, questions, brags and homework, between classes, graduation certificates, photos and more! 

*Eligible for expert handler -assisted handling and guidance* 

Download our training flyer

Advanced Class (Limited to 4 Teams)

Required Vaccines for Class Training: Rabies, Distemper and Bordetella

*Successfully completing :    
         • Puppy k, Basic Manners, and/or Blended class is a prerequisite*

Take your skills and those of your dog to an exciting level! Learn advanced concepts and training techniques, such as back-chaining, cues as reinforcers, proprioception (awareness of body in relation to space) and MUCH MORE!


- Advanced behavioral concepts
- Continued free-shaping exercises
- New and useful “real-life” behaviors
- Proofing foundation skills
- Fun Challenges and Tricks

Dates and times:

- Monday nights 5:30 – 6:30 PM (to be scheduled)
- 4-week class

 - TBD

- Includes topic-specific handouts, dedicated Facebook page for discussion, questions, brags and homework, between classes, graduation certificates, and more!

Handler Assisted Class

*Expert Handler Assisted Guidance Option*

We are pleased to be the first to offer assisted handling, during our classes.

If you would like to enroll your dog in our classes but have reservation or limitations which might prevent you from personally handling your dog, we have the solution!

Perhaps you have a large, rambunctious dog, who makes handling difficult or maybe you simply want your dog to attend class and you would prefer to observe rather than handle your dog.

One of our professionals will provide exclusive and personal handling of your dog for each class in the series or just one or two. It’s up to you!  Contact us for pricing!
(Please note that you must be in attendance for the classes)

Ask us for more details!

Daycare & Socialization

There is really no better way to provide your dog a safe and fun outlet, than having them attend daycare!

At Camp KCS, your dog can spend her day romping in the fully-enclosed, secure play yard, under the constant supervision of skilled, vigilant professionals.

Play groups are hand selected to match play styles and preferences. Never are there more than 4 or 5 dogs grouped together for play sessions and sessions are closely monitored for appropriate and reciprocal play.

Scheduling play dates with other dogs is the very best way for your dog to learn and hone his communication skills with other dogs.

You will also be delighted to have access to a dedicated Facebook page, filled with pictures and videos of your dog at day care!

Call for more information!
And don’t take our word for it! A picture speaks a thousand words!
Click Here to see photos


Please Note:
The required vaccines for Boarding & Daycare
Rabies, Distemper and Bordetella


We offer this class many times throughout the year. Check our website and Facebook often for dates.

Have you ever heard about a dog "biting out of the blue"?
Does a wagging tail always mean a dog is happy?
Dogs have a very clear system of communication and we owe it to them to learn what they are trying to say to us and to other dogs.

In this comprehensive workshop, you will learn:

      • The difference between observation and interpretation.
      • Learn how to discern if your dog is worried or stressed.
      • Come away with a better understanding of how to communicate with              your canine companion 

Dates and times:


Workshop Facebook Link

Place: TBA

Hosted By: Fulcrum Dog Training




In this workshop, we will discuss the "whys" of behavior - what stimulates it, what drives it, how to get it, how to change it, and much more. Building on the information you have learned in our FREE Body Language Workshop, you'll learn to determine what functions and reinforcers are always at play and develop skills to modify unwanted behavior.

Want to know how to speed up learning? We've got the answer!
Want to know what your dog is really trying to accomplish by pulling you down the street? The answer may not be what you think!
Want to be able to tell if your dog is really calm or might it be something different? The answer to this is fascinating!
Want to know how to “stop bad behavior”?
We can help!

The goal of this workshop is to equip you with the fundamental skills necessary to train your dog, using non-aversive techniques based on the most current science. As always, we stress the importance of building a relationship with your dog based on trust!

Dates and times:
             To Be Determined 

      $15.00 In Advance

      $20.00 At The Door

Follow us on Facebook for event listing and updated times & dates. 


1647 Long Pond Road
Long Pond PA 18334


Email: fulcrumdogtraining@gmail.com                     
Phone: (570) 646-6012                    

© All photos are of our guests are courtesy of ©Camp KCS, Inc.
© Copyright 2024 Camp KCS, Inc - All Rights Reserved
© Copyright 2024, Fulcrum Dog Training (Division of Camp KCS)